Walking through a firestorm without getting burned
It is bound to happen. You communicate with business professionals every day and, sooner or later, you are going to say or write something is misconstrued. If you're lucky, the readers will exercise calm. We live in the real world, though, so you're more likely to get your fair share of what we like to call hate mail.
If and when you find yourself in the hotseat, here are a few things to remember.
Take a Deep Breath
Breathe! It's so tempting to fire back when the firestorm is searing your eyebrows but DO NOT give in to Hate. That leads to the Dark Side! Remain calm. If you have a pet or child, ask for hugs. If you have a shoulder to cry on, seek it now. Take time to gather your thoughts.
Circle the Wagons
Now you're calm. It's time to remember - hey, I have friends! I don't have to put up with this! Seek out a pal to offer words of support. Start to formulate your response. Also, if the firestorm affects others, give them fair warning.
Remember - honesty is the best policy
Don't believe me? Two words - Dick Nixon. Enough said, right?
Charm, Then Disarm
Never scream at your attackers. Too soon you'll learn they enjoy it. Better to charm, then disarm. Taking the high ground is always preferable to wallowing in the mud. Yes, mud can feel good for a bit, and heaven knows we can sling it with the best of them, but in the end you'll feel better -- and come across as more professional -- if you calm, then disarm. Be brief in your response. Be factual. Be HONEST. And be as straightforward as you can in addressing each accusation.
This has been a rather long-winded lesson, but when the firestorm comes after you, you'll be glad for this cool breeze of knowledge. Good luck, my friends. Battle stations!
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