Friday, October 20, 2006

By the numbers

We use numbers a lot, so we should brush up on the do's and don't's of numbers in content.

Decimals are for math, not for content
Avoid using decimals in your content. They add unnessary bulk to your copy, and they introduce an unnecessary opportunity for error.

Example of incorrect usage:
Promote this program and earn between $8.00 and $12.00 per sale.
The decimals and zeroes are unnecessary. Plus if you put the decimal in the wrong place, which often happens when we're in a hurry, you could end up offering someone an $80 to $120 payout per sale instead of $8 to $12.

Example of correct usage:
Promote this program and earn between $8 and $12 per sale.
It's simple and to the point with less margin for error.

Do I have to spell it out for you?
When do you spell out a number vs. using figures? There's a very simple rule to remember here:
- Spell out one through nine and use figures for 10 and higher.

Example of correct usage:
I told that customer that if she bought 100 additional purses in November, we would give her two tickets to the Super Bowl.